Auto insurance comes in different types. It is important to know the different types of insurance and how they differ from one another. At Windgate Insurance Agency Inc., servicing New Windsor, NY, we can help you choose the best insurance for your budget and your vehicle.
One of the most affordable types of auto insurance is liability only. If getting as much coverage as possible is important to you, you’ll want to get full coverage. Here’s what to know about these two types of auto insurance.
What Is Liability Only Auto Insurance?
Liability-only auto insurance is a type of auto insurance that only pays to repair the other driver’s vehicle if you cause an accident. This type of insurance will not pay to replace or repair your own vehicle, nor will it cover non-collision-related damage to your vehicle.
What Is Full Coverage Auto Insurance?
Full coverage auto insurance will pay to repair your vehicle if it is in an accident, no matter who caused it. Full coverage auto will also repair your vehicle if other covered events, such as fire or vandalism, damage it. If your car is stolen, this type of insurance will replace it. And, of course, if you cause an accident, full coverage auto will pay to repair or replace the other vehicle.
Which Type of Insurance Should I Get?
Trying to decide between these two types of auto insurance can be challenging. If you’re getting a car loan, talk to your lender to find out whether you’ll be required to get full coverage auto insurance. If not, you’ll need to make a choice.
Your Windgate Insurance Agency Inc. insurance agent servicing New Windsor, NY can help. We provide advice and can give you quotes from multiple insurance carriers. Call today to learn more.