Auto insurance is a unique expense. Not only does auto insurance provide us with a necessary service each month, but it also fulfills a legal obligation we have to our communities and other drivers. This gives auto insurance a top priority status in our budgets. The only way you can make wise insurance decisions is if you have the right insurance information available. At Windgate Insurance Agency, Inc., serving New Windsor, NY, we are committed to bringing you solid insurance information. Let’s take a look at what you need to know about auto insurance.
Why Am I Obligated to Carry Auto Insurance?
In addition to the fact that most states require that drivers carry at least liability insurance, there is also an unspoken obligation to the other drivers out there. Driving is a risky business. If a car accident occurs, the drivers in danger of being injured are also in danger of being hit financially with medical bills for treatment of their injuries and the cost of having their car repaired or replaced. These financial risks could leave an individual financially vulnerable following a car wreck that was not their fault. The driver that was at fault could face the same financial dangers. Automobile insurance relieves those risks by providing a policy that will pay in the event these things happen.
What Does Car Insurance Cover?
Most car insurance policies will provide you with collision insurance that will pay for the repair or replacement of your vehicle if you should damage it in a wreck, a natural disaster, or lost through burglary. Liability insurance is a type of coverage that will pay for the costs of another driver’s repairs or medical bills if you cause them to be in a wreck.
If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact Windgate Insurance Agency Inc, serving New Windsor, NY.